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      San Gabriel Valley
Orchid Hobbyists, Inc.





    Society News

We can all help with the clean-up after the meeting!


Membership Message



 We had 25 Members at our February Meeting.

Membership Due:

Membership Dues are payable this month.  Dues are still $25.00

Please pay at the membership desk at the March Meeting.



Sign In Sheet


A sign in sheet can be found on the membership desk when you enter the room. Please sign in at every meeting so we can have an exact head count of attendance. Thank You.

Members Plants
February 2025
Monthly Members Plants

You may have a new plant (less than 6 months) that has produced beautiful Flowers that you would like to share with the other SGVOH members.  You may bring it and display it on our NEW ARRIVALS table.  It will not receive a raffle ticket. 
Any member who has grown their plants longer than 6 months may exhibit and receive raffle tickets for that months drawing and will be participating in the raffle at our pot luck in November.

Show & Tell Chair
Linda Peterson

Members Plants

 Our members work very hard watering, fertilizing, and making sure their plants are bug free so we can view them at each meeting. Please do not touch or rub the plant leaves or flowers.  Be courteous, treat other peoples plants like you would like them to treat yours.


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AOS Monthly Checklist
Click on Monthly Checklist below to see what to do each month. Very Informative!

Monthly Checklist

Insects? Other orchid questions?  Go to the AOS website: www.aos.org or
go directly to their videos: 
Click Here for the Videos Below


•Boisduval Scale

•Divide or Repot?

•Keikis & Air Roots

•Leaftip Dieback

•Potting a Keiki

•Recognizing Mite Damage

•Recognizing Virus Symptoms, part 1

•Removing a Damaged Leaf


•Removing a Keiki

•Repotting a Cattleya

•Repotting a Healthy Orchid

•Repotting an Unhealthy Orchid

•Root Loss

•Selecting an Orchid

•Watering Orchids

•When to Repot?

•Where to Cut a Phalaenopsis Spike

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There are other resources for information on orchids other than SGVOH.  Check these out: 

SGVOH has been a member of the American Orchid Society for a number of years, and discovered that they have much information on-line about growing orchids, including all the articles from past Orchid Magazines!!!  If you are a member, you can simply type in the topic that you wish information about (like pests, or brassia) and the list of articles will pop up – no need to go rummaging through your back issues trying to find out where in the world that great article went! 

If you are an AOS member, you are set to discover answers to those orchid questions that have been bothering you.

Enjoy having some refreshments?   Bring some and receive a free ticket for a drawing for a plant on the Plant Opportunity Table.  The goodies you bring do not have to be sweet! 


We can all help with the clean-up after the meeting!


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