HOME | About SGVOH | Advertisers | Auction Donors | Board/Committee Chairs | How to Join | Misc. Links | Monthly Newsletters | Monthly Ribbon Awards | Past Programs | Society News | Upcoming Events |
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Past Programs |
February 2024 | Program: AOS Webinar with Speaker Harvey Brenneise 'Inorganic Potting Media; | |
January 2024 | Program: Closed due to Fires | |
December 2024 | Program: No Meeting | |
November 2024 | Program: Annual Banquet | |
October 2024 | Program: No Programs | |
September 2024 | Program: AOS Webinar with Speaker Fred Clarke 'Spotted Cattleyas' | |
August 2024 | Program: Linda Peterson - 'Planning My Greenhouse' | |
July 2024 | Program: Carlos Lopez - 'The Hidden Life of Catasetinae ' | |
June 2024 | Program: Questions & Answers - Open Forum | |
May 2024 | Annual Orchid Auction | |
April 2024 | Program: AOS Webinar on Brassavolas | |
March 2024 | Program: No program due to computer and projector difficulties. | |
February 2024 | Program: What's in a Label by Jim Gomes & Greg Orozco | |
January 2024 | Program: Compact Orchids by Peter Lin | |
December 2023 | Program: NO MEETING | |
November 2023 | Program: Annual Banquet | |
October 2023 | Program: Repotting & Mounting Demo - Lynn & Greg | |
September 2023 | Program: Questions & Answers - Open Forum | |
August 2023 | Program: AOS Webinar on Dendrobiums of New Guinea | |
July 2023 | Program: AOS Webinar on Heirloom Cattlayas | |
June 2023 | Fred Clarke - 'Cycnoches, Morodes, Catasetums recent trends' | |
May 2023 | Annual Orchid Auction | |
Apr 2023 | Program: AOS Webinar on Greenhouse Chat | |
Mar 2023 | Program: Jim Gomes: 'Growing Brassias' | |
Feb 2023 | Program: AOS Webinar on Mounting Orchids | |
Jan 2023 | Program: AOS Webinar On Growing Media and Pots | |
Dec 2022 | Closed | |
Nov 2022 | Program: Awards Pot Luck | |
Oct 2022 | Program: AOS Webinar: 'The Birds, Bees and Orchids' | |
Sept 2022 | Program: Peter Lin: 'Epidendrum, Encyclia and Prosthechea' | |
Aug 2022 | Program: Fred Clarke: 'Becoming an 80 percentile Grower' | |
July 2022 | Program: YouTube Video: 101 Orchids | |
June 2022 | Program: Open Forum; Questions & Answers | |
May 2022 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2022 | Program: Tim Culbertson; Zygopedilums | |
March 2022 | Program: Program: AOS Webinar on Sarcochilus | |
February 2022 | Program: Program: Closed due to Covid-19 | |
January 2022 | Program: Program: Closed due to Covid-19 | |
December 2021 | Program: Program: Closed due to Covid-19 | |
November 2021 | Program: Pizza Party - All Members recd Orchid Plant | |
October 2021 | Program: Maxillaria Webinar from the AOS | |
September 2021 | Program: Carlos Lopez; 4 Season of Cattleyas | |
August 2021 | Program: Peter Lin; Favorite Fragrant Orchids | |
July 2021 | Program: Welcome back meeting! | |
Mar - June 2021 | Program: Closed due to Covid-19 | |
February 2020 | Program: Donna Ballard; Growing under Light | |
January 2020 | Program: Peter Lin; Mni-Catts: Delightful Cattleyas in Miniature | |
December 2019 | Program: Open Forum; Questions and Answers | |
November 2019 | Program: Annual Awards Banquet | |
October 2019 | Program: AOS Webinar on Habenarias | |
September 2019 | Program: Norman Fang; 'New Color Form of Phal Species' | |
August 2019 | Program: Bill Loy; 'OCA Trips on the Rio Negro' | |
July 2019 | Program: Fred Clarke; 'Becoming an 80 Percentile Grower' | |
June 2019 | Program: Open Forum | |
May 2019 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2019 | Program: Peter Lin; "Growing Specimen Plants" | |
March 2019 | Program: Tim Culbertson; "Encyclias of Mexico" | |
February 2019 | Program: Dylan Hannon; "Travels in Columbia" | |
Janury 2019 | Program: Thomas Mirenda; "The Big Island Orchid Scene" | |
December 2018 | Program: AOS Webinar; "Green with Envy" | |
November 2018 | Program: Annual Awards Banquet | |
October 2018 | Program: AOS Webinar; "Green with Envy" - Short Demo of OrchidWiz Encyclopedia | |
September 2018 | Program: AOS Webinar; "What is an Orchid?" | |
August 2018 | Program: Jim Gomes: "Members Growing Areas" | |
July 2018 | Program: Tim Culbertson: Laelia Purpurata, "Quuen of the Cattleyas" | |
June 2018 | Program: Annual Auction | |
May 2018 | Program: Jim Gomes: Doctor Doctor, I See Spots Webinar from the AOS | |
April 2018 | Program: Jim Gomes: OrchidWiz Encyclopedia | |
March 2018 | Program: Peter Lin: Neofinetia and Their Hybrids | |
February 2018 | Program: Fred Clarke: Today’s Mini and Compact Cattleyas | |
January 2018 | Program: David Toyoshima: Cattleya's from Postwar to 1970 | |
December 2017 | Open Forum: Questions & Answers | |
November 2017 | Annual Awards Banquet | |
October 2017 | Program: AOS Webinar : The Cattleya Alliances in Mexico | |
September 2017 | Program: AOS Webinar : Orchids of Mexico | |
August 2017 | Program: Linden Burzell : Cattleya trianae | |
July 2017 | Program: Peter Lin: Brassavolas & Their Hybrids | |
June 2017 | Program: Annual Auction | |
May 2017 | Program: Webinar: Demystifying Dendrobiums | |
April 2017 | Program: Carol Beule: Tokyo Dome Show | |
March 2017 | Program: Open Forum: Questions & Answers | |
February 2017 | Program: Fred Clarke: Bulbophyllums | |
January 2017 | Program: Winn Winmaw: Orchids of Burma | |
December 2016 | Program: David Campen & Jim Gomes: Virus Testing | |
November 2016 | Annual Awards Banquet | |
October 2016 | Huntington International Show & Sale | |
September 2016 | Program: Tim Culbertson - Miniature Vandaceous Orchids | |
August 2016 | Program: Peter Tobias - Preserving and Seeing Orchids in South America | |
July 2016 | Program: Curtis Gean - The lengths That We Grow | |
June 2016 | Program: Phyllis Prestia - Orchids of Madagascar | |
May 2016 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2016 | Program: Norito Hasegawa-Multi-Floral Paphiopedilums | |
March 2016 | Program: Peter Lin- Laelias | |
February 2016 | Program: Fred Clarke - Aussie Dendrobiums | |
January 2016 | Program: George Hatfield - Cymbidiums | |
December 2015 | Program: Greg Orozco - Corsage Demonstration | |
November 2015 | Annual Awards Pot Luck | |
October 2015 | The Huntington's 1st Orchid Show & Sale | |
September 2015 | Program: Harry Phillips - Mounted Orchids; Facts & Fantasy | |
August 2015 | Program: Peter Lin - Genus Dendrobiums - A Family Portrait of Dendrobium Species | |
July 2015 | Program: Phyliss S. Prestia - Cycnoches | |
June 2015 | Program: Francisco Miranda - Laelias | |
May 2015 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2015 | Program: Tim Culbertson - Sarcochilus: Gems of Spring | |
March 2015 | Program: Jim Cootes - Orchids of the Philippines | |
February 2015 | Program: Fred Clarke - Orchids 101 | |
January 2015 | Program: George Hatfield - Cymbidium Care | |
December 2014 | Program: Greg Orozco & Jim Gomes - Orchid Winter Rest | |
November 2014 | Annual Awards Dinner | |
October 2014 | Southland Show at The Huntington | |
September 2014 | Program: Peter Lin - Blooming Orchids For Every Month | |
August 2014 | Program: Greg Orozco & Jim Gomes - Judging SGVOH Way/Silent Auction/Raffle | |
July 2014 | Program: Greg Orozco & Toby Luong - Repotting Deminstration | |
June 2014 | Program: Questions and Answers - An Open Forum | |
May 2014 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2014 | Program: Gene Crocker - Blooming Cattleyas all year | |
March 2014 | Program: Dann Dunst - Growing Pleurothallids | |
February 2014 | Program: Fred Clarke - Cattleya mossiae | |
January 2014 | Program: George Hatfield - Fertilizing | |
December 2013 | Program: Greg Orozco - Orchid Winter Rest | |
November 2013 | Program: Annual Award Banquet | |
October 2013 | Southland Show at The Huntington | |
September 2013 | Program: Roy Tokunaga - Flower Boosting Orchids: Latest Information in Getting More Flowers | |
August 2013 | Program: Peter Lin - Best Orchids To Grow Outdoors | |
July 2013 | Program: Greg Orozco - Orchid Abbreviations and their Meaning | |
June 2013 | Program: Glen Decker - Open session (Questions and answers) | |
May 2013 | Program: ANNUAL AUCTION | |
April 2013 | Program: Greg Allikas - Orchid Photography For The Digital Age | |
March 2013 | Program: Brandon Tam - Orchids in The Huntington Collection | |
February 2013 | Program: Fred Clarke - Aussie Dendrobium and their Culture | |
January 2013 | Program: George Hatfield - Cymbidiums | |
December 2012 | Program: Brenda Ward - 40 Species for your Greenhouse | |
November 2012 | Program: Annual Award Banquet | |
October 2012 | Program: Michael Gregory - AOS Judging | |
September 2012 | Program: Winn Winmaw - Orchids from the World Conference Show - Singapore, Cambodia, and Malaysia | |
August 2012 | Program: Jim Henrich - Behind the Scenes Tour of the Arboretum’s Orchid Collection | |
July 2012 |
Program: Peter
Lin - Mini-Cattleyas How-To Session: Maranatha Bark & Soil |
June 2012 |
Program: Arnold
Gum - Paphiopedilums How-To Session: Jerry Simpson - Greenhouses |
May 2012 | Program: Annual Orchid Auction | |
April 2012 | Program: Karen Muir - Maxillaria's | |
March 2012 | Program: Joe Vargas - Mounting Orchids | |
February 2012 | Program: Jim Sloniker - Secrets of the Santa Barbara Show | |
January 2012 |
Program: George
Hatfield - Cymbidium Species and their Contributions to Modern Day
Hybridizing How-To Session: Joe Vargas - Orchid Plant Resting Period |
December 2011 | Program: Michael Gregory - Judging Orchids | |
November 2011 | Program: Annual Awards Dinner | |
October 2011 |
Program: Nico
Goosens - Orchid Growing Structures in Southern California How-To Session: How to Grow a Healthy Orchid Society |
September 2011 |
Program: Arthur
Pinkers -
Intergeneric Orchids How-To Session: Membership Panel - Insect Control |
August 2011 |
Program: Martin
Motes - Temperature Tolerant Vanda Hybrids How-To Session: Joe Vargas - Propagating Cymbidium Back Bulbs |
July 2011 | Program: Winn Winmaw - Orchids of Burma | |
June 2011 |
Paul Gripp - Summer Blooming Orchids How-To Session: Joe Vargas - Mounting Orchids & Other Plants, part II |
May 2011 | Program: Annual Orchid Auction | |
April 2011 | Program: Norman Fang - The Development of Harlequin Phalaenopsis | |
March 2011 |
Marni Turkel
- Less is More: Small Orchids How-To Session: Michael Gregory - The Orchid Clock |
February 2011 |
Director: Rich Walton
Movie: The Judge, the Hunter, the
Thief, and the Black Orchid How-To Session: Joe Vargas - Mounting Orchids |
January 2011 | Program: George Hatfield - Pendulous Cymbidiums | |
December 2010 | Program: Christopher Croom - A survey of all the species in the genus cymbidium | |
November 2010 |
Larry Moskovitz - Laelias Annual Awards Dinner |
October 2010 |
No Program Southland Orchid Show at the Huntington |
September 2010 |
Program: Alan
Dendrobiums How-To: Panel Members discuss members orchid issues |
August 2010 |
Program: Tom
Australian Dendrobiums and a Few Sarcochilus How-To: Jan Pluim; Greenhouses |
July 2010 |
Program: Doug
Unusual Genera for the Beginning Orchid Grower, the Maxillarias and Catasetums How-To: Doug Overstreet; Different growing media and how to maximize growing during the summer |
June 2010 |
Program: Norito
Hasegawa; The Influence of Paphiopedilum Species on Their Hybrids How-To: Joe Vargas; Demonstrating on Repotting and Dividing Cymbidiums |
May 2010 | Program: Annual Orchid Auction | |
April 2010 |
Harold Koopowitz; Global Climate Change & Orchid Conservation How-To: Kay Hudspeth; How to Properly Read and Write Orchid Labels |
March 2010 |
Peter Lin; Wild, Weird, and Wonderful Orchids How-To: Peter Lin; How to Improve Growing Orchids Outdoors |
February 2010 | Program: Tony Velardi; Cymbidiums "What's New in My Backyard" | |
January 2010 | Program: Open Discussions | |
December 2009 | Program: Bruce Kidd; Pest Management in Orchids | |
November 2009 | Program: AWARDS DINNER: Cindy Coty; Grooming Your Plants for Show | |
October 2009 | Program: No Meeting | |
September 2009 | Program: Butch Wecherle-Thrun; The Culture of Paphiopedilums | |
August 2009 | Program: George Vasquez; Phalaenopsis and Their Culture | |
July 2009 | Program: Bruce Kidd discussing Pest Control | |
June 2009 | Program: Gin Gan Orchids of Southeast Asia | |
May 2009 | Program: Annual Auction | |
April 2009 | Program: Red Masdevallias Karen Muir | |
March 2009 | Program: Dr. Holger Perner, Chinese Dendrobiums | |
February 2009 | Program: Cool Growing Oncidinae Orchid Digest Program | |
January 2009 | Program: Member Panel Growing Orchids in Southern California | |
December 2008 |
Program: Harry Phillips, Miniature Orchids |
November 2008 | Program: AWARDS DINNER: Alan Koch Brazilian Cattleyas | |
October 2008 | Program: No Meeting | |
September 2008 |
Program: Dr. Norito Hasegawa: Phalaenopsis Species and their Influence on Hybrids |
August 2008 | Program: Helmut Rohrl: The Oncidium Alliance | |
July 2008 | Program: Harold Koopowitz Breeding of Miniature Paphiopedilums | |
June 2008 |
Marilyn LevyI Never Met an Orchid I Didn't Want. How-To Session this month will feature a panel of three experienced, member growers answering our questions about orchids. |
May 2008 | Program: Annual Auction, Auctioneers Dr. Merle Robboy & Peter Lin | |
April 2008 |
Loren Batchman Virus Prevention
and Testing
How-To session Dan Dunst Growing Vandas |
March 2008 |
Dr. Joseph Arditti How-To session how to correctly read and write orchid labels. |
February 2008 |
Program: Fred Clarke Venezuela's National Flower, the Cattleya Mossiae |
January 2008 |
James Comstock Orchids in 3D How-To Matt Swift Repotting Orchids |
December 2007 |
Domingo Cabrera Challenges of Building and Operating a Greenhouse |
November 2007 | Program: Peter Lin - Miniature Orchid Species: Tiny Wonders of the Orchid World | |
October 2007 | Program: Carol Siegel - Sexual Relationships Between Orchids | |
September 2007 | Program: John Gorham Epicats – Uncommon Beauties of the World | |
August 2007 |
Program: Ray Van Veen PowerPoint on Orchids of
the Amazon How-To Session: Ann Whitehair on benefits on using Physan 20 |
July 2007 | Program: Larry Moskovitz, Bizarre Species | |
June 2007 |
Program: Norito Hasegawa,
Paph Species and How They Influence Their Hybrids, Kathy Hong from Blossom Supplies will be demonstrating various effective ways to pot plants to increase the time between repotting. |
May 2007 | Program: Annual Auction, Auctioneer Peter Lin, assistants: Mark Zierten, Greg Orozco | |
April 2007 | Program: George Hatfield PowerPoint on Pendulous Cymbidiums | |
March 2007 | Program: Christopher Croom PowerPoint on How to smell an Orchid | |
February 2007 | Program: Ron Coleman, slide show program on Wild Orchids of California. | |
January 2007 |
Program: Peter
Lin, a PowerPoint presentation on Mini
Cattleyas. How-To by Mark Zierten on How to read your orchids. |
December 2006 |
Program: Slide
a Tour of Len Judaken Greenhouses and outdoor
growing areas. How-To by Jeff Brandt, Introduction to our Library collection. |
November 2006 | Program: Shirley Lundine "Gublers Fall Open House" slide show | |
October 2006 |
Program: Tom
Biggart "The Culture of Dendrobiums" How-To by Cynthia Schnitzer "Orchids that needs rest" |
September 2006 |
Program: Bill
Ryan "Mostly Orchids" Outstanding Program How-To Mark Zierten mounting on wood and bark |
August 2006 | Program: Martin R. Motes, PhD. "Cool Tolerant and Low Light Vandas" | |
July 2006 | Program: Harry Phillips "Mounted orchids: facts not fantasy' | |
June 2006 |
Program: Helmut
Rohrl, Dracula/Masdevallia Species & Hybrids How-To program by Bill Ryan "How to Read Plant Labels" |
May 2006 | Program: Annual Auction, Auctioneers Doug Conkin and Mark Zierten | |
April 2006 | Program: Bob Gordon Some Problems with Phalaenopsis Culture and How to Solve Them | |
March 2006 | Program: Dennis D'Alessandro "Borneo and Indonesia Orchids and Adventures" | |
February 2006 |
Program: Charles
"Butch" Weckerle-Thrun Companion
plants to Cymbidiums. How-To by Len Judaken Potting mixes to minimize watering and repotting. |
January 2006 | Program: Loren Batchman a PowerPoint presentation What do Judges look for in Cymbidium Orchids. | |
December 2005 |
Program: A video presentation of
Anyone Can Grow Orchids Even You Doug Conkin's masterpiece. |
November 2005 |
Program: A video
presentation of the Eric Young Orchid
Foundation Annual Awards Banquet (catered). |
October 2005 |
Program: Denise Wilson "Orchid Conservation in
Costa Rica". How-To: Potting and Mounting Orchids, an AOS tape shown with Digital projector. |
September 2005 |
Leon Glicenstein of Hoosier Orchid Company, Indiana "Cloud Forests of Costa Rica" |
August 2005 | Program: Linda Huetinck 19th WOC in Dijon France and Eric Young Orchid Foundation 2 Projectors slide show. | |
July 2005 | Program: Mark Bentow Orchids of Belize. How-To by Domingo Cabrera, How our member Frank Wright: cools, heats, water/fertilizes & keeps his Inventory log, PowerPoint presentation. | |
June 2005 |
Program: Robert J.
Ferry PhD. Travelogue into Mexico How-To General orchid care |
May 2005 |
Program: Annual Auction, Auctioneers: Doug Conkin and Peter Lin | |
April 2005 |
Program: Bruce Kidd,
Pest Management
in Orchids PowerPoint presentation |
March 2005 |
Program: Fred Clarke
"New Hybrids
with Catasetum, Cycnoches and Mormodes PowerPoint presentation |
February 2005 |
Program: Jason Fischer "Native Orchids of
Japan." PowerPoint presentation |
January 2005 |
Program: Doug Conkin, Ribbon
Judging for Society meetings How-To Sandy Walters on Wonder Grow an organic foliar spray food. |
December 2004 |
Program: How-To Panel of
Experts by Bill Ryan, Jack Reinhing, Mark
Zierten Ken Fujimoto, Shirley Lundine, Peter Lin |
November 2004 |
Program: Ernest
Hetherington, Exploring New Guinea Countryside How-To Annual Awards Banquet |
October 2004 |
Program: Bill Bergstrom, Weird and Wonderful Stanhopeas How-To Plant Sale by Bill Bergstrom |
September 2004 |
Program: Marni Turkel, Looking for
Orchids in Peru How-To Len Judaken Exploring alternative potting medium. |
August 2004 |
Program: Ron Parsons, Unusual and
rare orchids How-To Nick Braemer, Potting in Horse Manure, well attended. |
July 2004 |
Program: Peter Croezen, Orchid
Conservation in Peru. PowerPoint
presentation How-To Peter Croezen, How to take better Photos at Orchid Shows. |
June 2004 |
Program: Annual Live Auction with Ernest Hetherington & Doug Conkin as auctioneers. |
May 2004 |
Program: Dr. Arthur
Allison "Orchid Viruses" How-To Dr. Arthur Allison demonstrating Virus testing kit. |
April 2004 |
Program: Helmut Rohrl
Zygopetalums and their Intergenerics How-To Helmut Rohrl question & answers period |
March 2004 | Program: Glen Decker a Peruvian Adventure Phrag kovachii | |
February 2004 | Program: Ivan Harrison, Roots and why Orchids need them. | |
January 2004 |
Jack Reihing, how to grow, bloom and general care of Cymbidiums. How-To: Jim Rowley, Growing Orchids semi-hydroponics method. |
December 2003 |
Panel of Experts by Bill Ryan,
Ken Fujimoto Mary Ann Johnson, Bob Laughlin, Bonnie Navens |
November 2003 |
Mostly Cattleyas II by Bill Ryan. Annual Awards Banquet. |
October 2003 |
Program: The Stanhopea Tribe by Howard Gunn. |
September 2003 |
Program: Cool growing
Paphiopedilums by Helen Congleton. |
August 2003 |
Program: Orchids of New Guinea by Larry Moskovitz. |
July 2003 |
Program: Diversity and Beauty of
Colombian Orchids by Andrea Niessen. |
June 2003 |
Program: Sign Language-Listen to
your Orchids . they're talking by Sue Fordyce. |
May 2003 |
Program: Annual Live Auction with Ernest Hetherington & Matt Swift's as auctioneers. |
April 2003 |
Program: Cattleya Parents & Their Progeny by Ernest Hetherington How-To: Susan Fishman, useful Orchid Websites. |
March 2003 |
Program: The Laelias of Brazil by Steve Champlin How-To: Doug Conkin, Video Show on general Orchid culture. |
February 2003 |
Program: Orchid Adventures Down Under by Brian Derby How-To: Matt Swift, useful chemical for growing Orchids. |
January 2003 |
Program: Central and South American Maxillaria by Eric A. Christenson |
December 2002 |
Program: How your Orchids talk to you by Mark
Zierten How-To: Bill Ryan, "What's Growing On" |
November 2002 |
Program: Panamanian Orchid Species by Andres Maduro |
October 2002 |
Golden Anniversary Banquet |
September 2002 | Program:
Mostly Cattleyas by Bill Ryan How-To: Matt Swift, "Swift's Store product demonstration". |
August 2002 |
Program: Planning & Developing
your Orchid Collection also Recognizing Better Orchids by Doug Conkin |
July 2002 |
Program: Tokyo Dome Show in Japan
by Andy Easton. How-To: Mark Zierten, learn about our Display table. |
June 2002 |
Program: Annual Live Auction with Ernest Hetherington & Matt Swift's as auctioneers. |
May 2002 |
Program: Mini & Compact Cattleya Hybridizing, presented by Roy Tokunaga of Hawaii How-To: Grand tour of our meeting process. |
April 2002 |
Program: Equitant Oncidiums, Jewel of the Caribbean, presented by Matt Swift. |
March 2002 |
Program: Problem with Phalaenopsis culture, presented by Bob Gordon. How-To: Phalaenopsis culture. |
February 2002 |
Program: The Golden Century of Orchid History, presented by Ernest Hetherington. How-To: Bill Ryan, Cattleyas, How to grow them. |
January 2002 |
Program: The Orchids of Peru, presented by Dr. Eric A. Christenson PhD. How-To: Multipurpose Orchid Pathogen control. |
December 2001 |
Program: Slide show "Awarded specimen orchids", presented by Mark Zierten. |
November 2001 |
Program: Outdoor growing, presented by Alberto Ossa. |
October 2001 |
Program: Ecuador, a Paradise of Orchids, presented by Prof. Eduardo Sanchez. |
September 2001 | Program: Lycastes: habitat, culture, presented by Paul Bechtel. How-To: Grooming & staking for shows. |
August 2001 |
Program: Ask the Expert Panel, presented by group of experts. How-To: De-flasking seedlings. |
July 2001 |
Program: Masdevallias slide show, presented by Ms. Catherine Lee. How-To: Potting with coconut chunks. |
June 2001 |
Program: Annual Live Auction with Ernest Hetherington as auctioneer. |
May 2001 |
Program: Forests, Orchids & Conservation, presented by Harold Koopowitz. How-To: Environmental Control products. |
April 2001 |
Program: Water Fertilizing and Misting, presented by Dan Dickey. How-To: S. Fishman & C. Lee "Orchid Books". |
March 2001 |
Program: Mexican Laelias, presented by John Christie. How-To: Cameron Smith of Fog America. |
February 2001 |
Program: Greenhouse Environmental System, presented by Fred Howse. How-To: John Napoli general orchid culture. |
January 2001 |
Program: The Tokyo Grand Prix, presented by Ms. Karen Muir. How-To: Growing temperatures for orchids. |
December 2000 |
Program: The Eclectic Orchid Grower,
presented by Mrs. Marilyn Levy. How-To: Making orchid corsages. |
November 2000 |
Program: A presentation of recently awarded
orchids. |
October 2000 |
Program: Ecuador, a Paradise of Orchids,
presented by Prof. Eduardo Sanchez. |
September 2000
Program: What Makes a Good Phalaenopsis,
presented by Mr. George Vasquez. |
2000 |
Program: Bizarre Orchid Species,
presented by Mr. Bob Moskovitz. |
2000 |
Program: Brazilian Orchid Species and Their Color
Forms, presented by Mr. Steve Champlin. How-To: Repotting bare root orchids. |
2000 |
Program: Presentation by Dr. Gerardus Staal. | |
2000 |
Program: Growing Orchids out of Doors,
presented by Mr. Mark Zierten. How-To: Potting equitant Oncidiums. |
2000 |
Program: Annual Live Auction with
Ernest Hetherington as auctioneer. |
2000 |
Program: Chinese Cymbidiums,
presented by Ms. Theresa Fung. |
2000 |
Program: Australian Dendrobiums: Species and
Hybrids, presented by Mr. David Banks. How-To: Fertilizer use with orchids. |
2000 |
Program: Yes Sir, That's An Orchid! Part II of
the Orchid Digest's slide show on odd / unusual orchids. How-To: Dividing orchids. |
December 1999
Program: Yes Sir, That's An Orchid! Part I of
the Orchid Digest's slide show on odd / unusual orchids. How-To: Orchid growing secrets. |
November 1999
Program: Orchid Travelogue to Peru,
by Mr. Walter Teague. How-To: Finding / eliminating pest infestations. |
Program: Annual awards banquet. | |
September 1999
Program: Angraecoid Orchids of Africa. | |
Program: Integrated Pest Management for the
Orchid House, presented by Mr. Doug Conkin. How-To: Phragmipedium culture. |
July 1999
Program: One Hundred Years of Cattleya
Hybridizing, presented by Ernest Hetherington. How-To: Mounting orchids. |
June 1999
Program: Cypripediums,
by Mr. Carson Whitlow. How-To: Repotting orchids. |
May 1999
Program: Vendor's night. | |
April 1999
Program: AOS Judging and What Makes an Award
Quality Flower, presented by Dr. Norito Hasegawa. |
March 1999
Program: Epicatts, by Mr. Steve McNerney. How-To: Planting compots from flasked orchids. |
February 1999
Program: Oncidiums and Odontoglossum Intergeneric Hybrids, by Mr. Jerry Rehfield. |
Program: Growing Orchids Outdoors, by Mark Zierten. How-To: Staking Cymbidiums and Phalaenopsis. |
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